Honey Can Do…Everything!

4 Ways To Use Honey

4 Ways To Use Honey!

As helpful and smart as my hubby is, he’s not the subject of this post.  I am actually talking about honey, the wondrous multi-tasker I’ve recently become obsessed with. By honey, I mean raw, organic honey.  The raw is very important because it means that the honey has not been processed in any way so all of the beneficial enzymes remain. Raw honey is also antibacterial and anti-fungal. I like Y.S. Organic Bee Farm Honey but I also like to try different local honey as well.

Here are four ways I’m using honey in my house today:
  1. As a facial cleanser.  I’ve ditched my usual Cetaphil cleanser (more about that in another post) and switched over to plain honey. Honey is anti-bacterial, good for all skin types, and is an effective cleanser that does not strip natural oils. As a facial cleanser, I first use my coconut oil eye makeup remover and then give my face a quick rinse with cool water.  Then I pour about a teaspoon of honey into my hands and spread it on my face, rubbing gently in a circular direction.  A good rinse with cool water and that’s it. For deeper moisturizing, after removing your eye makeup and rinsing your face, apply the honey to a dry face.  Leave on for 30 minutes and be prepared for super soft, silky skin!
  2. As a natural sweetener in my family’s new favorite healthy homemade granola bars recipe.  This recipe, adapted from Minimalist Baker, is delish and never lasts long in my house!
  3. In my DIY body wash/shampoo that I made for my husband.  This was one of my first attempts at DIY skincare/body products and I have to say, it has been a success so far.  Not only will it save money, but it’s so much cleaner than the store-bought versions.  Recipe and instructions soon to come!
  4. In my herbal tea.  I know, simple, easy, no lengthy explanation needed.  The change of seasons tends to cause colds in my house so adding some raw honey in my tea gives me extra germ fighting power!

There are endless ways to use honey in your home. This list just covers how I would use it in one day!  Stay tuned for many, many more posts about this powerful natural product!

 icon-thumb-tack Quick tip: It is not as hard to find raw, organic honey as I had originally thought.  Besides your usual suspects like Whole Foods, etc., I have found it at my local grocery and health food stores.  When in doubt, there’s a million places to get it online. Also check out your local Farmers Markets and bee farms.

What are your favorite uses for honey?

10 thoughts on “Honey Can Do…Everything!

    1. Jody Post author

      Me too Iris! Have you tried using carrier oils at all for dry skin? (i.e. avocado, coconut, etc.) Or shea butter? I find coconut oil to be very moisturizing on my dry skin but it can be hit or miss for people as a facial moisturizer. Sweet almond is also a good one. Check out this page for some great information about different oils and what kind of skin issues they work well on, http://www.gardenofwisdom.com/carrieroils.html

  1. Brianne

    I hadn’t heard of using honey as a facial cleanser… Going to give that one a try! I live in Germany and honey is extremely popular here. I feel so lucky to have so many options for locally sourced honey. Delicious… And apparently, good for cleansing too! Thanks for the info.

    1. Jody Post author

      Yes Brianne, honey is wonderful for the skin! And it will leave your skin feeling super soft. A few times a week I will leave the honey on for about 30 minutes for some extra moisturizing. That’s great that you have so many local options for honey there, enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Serena @ Simple Holistic Girl

    I use honey as a facial cleanser too! Since I started using it I notice breakouts have been kept at bay and my skin is SO soft! It’s very simple and the jar I use lasts a long time because a little goes a long way! Dropping in from the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Party Hop.

    1. Jody Post author

      Me too Serena, my skin feels so much better since switching! I am obsessed with honey! It is so much better for the skin than most store-bought cleansers, plus so much easier on the wallet! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Deborah Davis

    Honey is so versatile. I love to use it in my home as well. I have not tried using it as a shampoo ingredient. I would like to learn more about that! Thank you for sharing four ways I’m using honey in your house at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party! I am pinning and sharing!

    1. Jody Post author

      Thanks Deborah! Honey is awesome! I will be posting about the honey shampoo/body wash soon! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Iris

    i bought raw local honey after reading your post. Love it. Every night in my tea. Made a body wash and now will use as a facial cleanser . Thanks

    1. Jody Post author

      So glad to hear that Iris! isn’t honey amazing! The funny thing is that I never really enjoyed it in my tea until I started buying the raw, organic stuff and now I love it. It’s amazing how much of a difference in taste the good quality stuff has, not to mention all of the great health benefits. Thanks for stopping by!

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