Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers AwardI have to admit, when I opened up my email and saw that Kathleen from 60-thenew40 had nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, I thought maybe it was a mistake.  I’ve only been blogging for a short time.  But no, it’s for real, and to say that I am honored is an understatement.  I’m just happy that people are reading and engaging in my content and I am already learning so much from the awesome and inspiring bloggers out there.  Kathleen is most definitely one of those inspiring bloggers, her story is genuine and heartfelt, and her blog is filled with encouragement and helpful information.  Now on to the questions that were asked of me.

10 Questions

1. How long have you been seriously blogging?
I have actually only been blogging since March!  The idea kind of snowballed and before I knew it, I was thinking about obsessing over a domain name, leaving post-it notes with topic ideas everywhere, and dreaming of everything blog related!

2. Before blogging, did you do writing, if so what kind?
Other than some journal writing here and there, I haven’t done any real writing since my “book” about aliens in 5th grade.  But now that I have started, I love it and I am constantly jotting down ideas that I want to write about.

3. Do you hope to make an income from your blog?
Not as much as my husband hopes I do 🙂  Eventually, yes I would love to earn some money blogging… how that is going to happen; I have no idea at this point!

 4. Provide a link to your favorite blog post on your blog.
Mommy Scientist Series: Why I’m Overhauling My Skincare Products, Part 1

5. What is one thing you love doing apart from blogging?
I love spending time with my family and friends.  Since becoming a mom, there is nothing more rewarding than watching my daughter interact with our family and I can’t imagine surviving motherhood without my great group of supportive friends! And I love going to Marshalls.  It’s like therapy for me.

6. Do you love house cleaning?
No!  Does anybody? I like a clean house; I just would rather not be the one cleaning it!

7. Does your family read your blog, do they encourage you or are they not really into it?
I actually told very few people about my blog until recently, so now that they know, I think they like to read it (or at least they tell me they do!) They are definitely very encouraging and I so appreciate it!

8. Have you made virtual friends because of blogging?
Since I’m so new to the blogging world, I’m just starting to connect with other bloggers, which I am super excited about.  One of the main reasons I started blogging was to connect with other bloggers who have similar interests. 

9. Do you have a reachable goal or a dream that seems unattainable at this time?
Yes, I’d like to learn everything there is to know about blogging…yesterday!  I tend to over think (just in case that isn’t obvious) so I’m trying to slow my role and take it one step at a time.

10. What do you do to take care of yourself?
I do yoga, which over the last year has become a necessity for me.  I am not good at relaxing and being in the moment and yoga has really helped me with both of those things.  I also try to eat as healthy as possible, most of the time, so I don’t feel guilty when I indulge.  And I watch The Real Housewives of anything.  It’s my escape and we all need that sometimes!

*Nominate 8 other bloggers, link them in your post and notify them of their nomination.

All of the following blogs have been chosen for their helpful content. They are in no particular order.

Queen of the Land of Twigs N’ Berries
Simple Holistic Girl
Reasons To Skip The Housework
Live Randomly Simple
Urban Naturale
Mom Resource
Sparkles of Sunshine
Eat, Drink, And Save Money

Your instructions should you accept this award.

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.

2. Answer the 10 questions sent to you.

3. Make up 10 new questions for your nominees to answer.

  1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  2. What is one piece of advice you would give to new bloggers?
  3. Link to your favorite post on your blog.
  4. What is one non-blogging related product you couldn’t live without?
  5. What do you do to re-energize when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed?
  6. What’s the best concert you have ever been to?
  7. How has blogging affected your life?
  8. What has been the best way you’ve found to connect with other bloggers?
  9. What is one blogging tool you couldn’t live without?
  10. Any fun summer plans?
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16 thoughts on “Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award

  1. Kathleen

    Thanks so much for leaving the link. It feels like I know you a little more from reading it. Yes, blogging is a huge learning curve that is not foreseen when we start. It is all good and learning is invigorating (sometimes frustrating). Keep up the good work Jody and enjoy.

  2. Christie

    I’m honored that you nominated me! It means so much to know that someone has found my blog helpful, because that’s why I started it after all! I enjoyed reading your post about skincare products, too. Welcome to the world of blogging…I’m so glad we’ve been able to connect. Let me know if I can ever help in any way. Have a blessed week!

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