Pizza Friday: White Pizza

Pizza Friday White Pizza

Pizza+Wine=perfect Friday night!

There’s something about pizza (and a glass of wine) on a Friday night.  I mean, not that pizza isn’t special any other night of the week, but when you’re tired from a busy week, pizza just seems to hit the spot.  We used to live in Chicago so I will admit that we were pretty spoiled with the countless number of pizza places around us.  (Although true confession, I’m more of a NY style pizza gal…still love Chi-town though!)

Not being able to order out as often has probably been a blessing though for our wallets (and our waistlines).  We still like to have pizza on Friday night, but now it’s homemade more often than not.  By homemade I mean prepared dough and we just experiment with different toppings and flavors.  I’ll get there 🙂 Another great part about pizza Friday is that my daughter loves to help put the toppings on and then she’s super excited to eat what she made.  That’s a win-win in my book!

There’s a pizza place by our house that makes a really good white pizza with spinach, ricotta, and garlic so that was my inspiration for this Pizza Friday post.  The white pizza turned out really yummy and was devoured pretty quickly by all.  Just a warning though that when it comes to pizza toppings, I don’t do much measuring.  I usually just eyeball everything and add until it looks like enough.  Sorry friends who like exact measurements!

  • Pizza dough (if you make your own dough, you’re a step ahead of me.  I don’t, so for this one I just used a Boboli ready-made pizza crust).
  • 1/2 cup Ricotta cheese
  • Handful of baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese
  • 1 clove of garlic, chopped
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1/2 cup grape tomatoes, halved
  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Brush a thin layer of olive oil around the crust of the pizza.
  3. Spread the ricotta cheese all over the pizza dough, except for the crust.  I use enough to make a thin layer over all the dough.
  4. Spread the spinach, garlic, tomatoes, and mozzarella cheese evenly across the pizza.
  5. Bake for 10-12 minutes (depending on what kind of crust you are using).

Pizza Friday has become a fun tradition in our house as of late, so I’m excited to share my Pizza Friday series with you.  If anyone has a recipe for an easy homemade dough, I would love to hear it! Check back every Friday for a new pizza idea! Happy Friday!

 What’s your favorite homemade pizza recipe? 

I think you’ll also enjoy these posts:

Pizza Friday: Goat Cheese Deliciousness Pizza
Pizza Friday: Thai Chicken Sweet Chili Sauce Pizza
Pizza Friday: Eggplant Pizza


6 thoughts on “Pizza Friday: White Pizza

  1. Brandie @ HomeCookingMemories

    We do pizza on the weekends too — either Friday or Saturday nights. And white pizza is one of my favorites…yours looks delicious! I have so many other favorites, but I think if I had to pick just one, I would say a veggie loaded white pizza with artichoke hearts and broccoli.

    1. Jody Post author

      Thanks Brandie! A veggie one with artichoke hearts sounds delicious too…putting it on my list for Pizza Friday! Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Jody Post author

      No problem Mary Beth! Yes, super easy, the Boboli has been my go-to and probably will be for awhile. We used to live in Chicago but moved down south about a year ago. I do miss some Giordano’s every once in awhile though! Thanks for stopping by!

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